4410 English Beginner


Swimming class taught in english to optimize learning for non-danish speakers.

This class has no prerequisite and primarily targets children who need equipment such as belts or kick boards to swim. If you have experience with our classes in danish, then think of this as a combination of ‘rødhajer’ and ‘blåhajer’.

The class focuses on safety and comfort in the water, the ability to swim without equipment and basic skills in water.


The class targets children aged 4-7 but other ages are welcome.


We teach the class in the 1.8 meters deep pool in Aarhus Svømmestadion

18:00 - 18:40
Årgang: 2015 - 2021
Alle køn
Aarhus Svømmestadion
Begynder 1, dybt vand (200 cm)
14 / 15
825,00 kr. 14. dec